Home Learning
Welcome to our Home Learning Zone.
Home Learning
We are are now using Google Classroom to enable all of our pupils to access weekly homework and to learn from home if needed.
Every child has a unique login to the Classroom.
Google Classroom is a safe and secure solution for children to access learning materials directly from their class teachers; a location in which they can collaborate with their peers by sharing useful websites and tips to completing assignments; a hub to allow blended learning direct from their school classrooms into the comfort of their own homes.
By clicking the link above, you will be taken directly to the Google Classroom webpage. On the right, you will see an option to sign-in. Once in, you will be in your class page which will be full of fun assignments and revision-style materials.
Please make sure that you discuss the following points with your child/ren and that the school’s expectations for using Google Classroom are made explicitly clear:
· Learning must take place in family areas, not children’s bedrooms
· A parent should be present in the room
· Google Classroom should not be used as a means to contact other classmates
Take a look at this link below-
How to access Google Classroom via your phone- XBOX or Playstation.
Please go to the Parent tab and Google Classroom for more helpful information.
If you require any help or support with your child's learning please email the school office: office@cranepark.hounslow.sch.uk
Purple Mash updates- Our virtual learning site
Everyone should have their own Username and Password. (Please contact school if you do not.)
Time to celebrate the very best learning across the School
Super Stars Display Board
Click on the links below to see useful advice and support with regards to internet safety as pupils spend more time online.
KS1 Keeping Safe Online
KS2 Online Safety
Using Purple Mash for the first time? Click below to find out more.
A blog to help you navigate Purple Mash
Home Learning - Free Websites for Parents/Children to access :
Please find below useful website links for families to use.
- Purple Mash: https://www.purplemash.com
- Cosmic Kids yoga: https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga
- BBC Bitesize: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/zbr9wmn
- Oxford Reading Owls: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/
- ICT games: https://www.ictgames.com/
- Top Marks games - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/
- Nrich maths investigations and problem solving: https://nrich.maths.org/
- SATS paper examples https://www.satspapersguide.co.uk/
- TT Rockstars: https://ttrockstars.com/
- Children’s news: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/news/watch_newsround
- Help with Phonics for KS1 children - https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
- Free maths lesson videos - http://www.iseemaths.com/home-lessons/
- Daily maths lessons - http://www.whiterosemaths.com/homelearning
- The Maths Factor (Carol Vorderman) https://www.themathsfactor.com
- Art - Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL14hRqd0PELGbKihHuTqx_pbvCLqGbOkF
- Free Audible Books
Fun time activities for everyone at home.
Remember: It is good to take a break and have some family time!
For more ideas to keep yourself healthy go our PE Home Learning icon.
Go for a walk and see how many different birds you can see
Make a fruit face and share it with your family
Play this collecting game
- collect 7-12 objects from around the home
- get a small towel or scarf
- show your family your 7 objects
- hide them with the towel or scarf
- secretly take one object away
- show your family the 6 objects that are left
- can they guess what you have taken
Bake with a grown up
Make biscuits or a cake to share with your family
- Play games together inside and out
- Make your own sandwiches and have an indoor picnic
- Make a model from empty boxes
- Make a cress family
You need cress seed and empty egg shells or yogurt pots
- draw a face on a yogurt post or egg shell
- put wet tissue/cotton wool into the yogurt pot or egg shell
- sprinkle on some cress seeds
- put them on a window sill to grow
Make bark rubbings in the park.
Crane Park has lots of trees!
Make a combination creature
You need two or three people, a piece of paper and pens
- the first person secretly draws a head with a neck and then folds the paper down so the head is hidden but a little bit of neck is showing
- the second person secretly draws a body on to the neck and then folds the paper down so the body can’t be seen (just two tiny lines to show were the body ends)
- the next person draws the legs
Open up the picture and see what your creature looks like!