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Crane Park Primary School

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At Crane Park Primary, we aim to enable our children to learn mathematical concepts in a creative way so that they can make links between different areas and enjoy explaining their learning to others. Whilst we follow the objectives set out in the new National Curriculum, each teacher adapts the scheme of work to meet the needs of individual learners so that all pupils can access the curriculum and develop a clear understanding of mathematics that will support them in the next stage of their education as well as throughout their life. As a school we believe all children should feel confident in their mathematical ability, embracing the subject all the way from nursery to Year 6.

Mathematics lessons are taught every day and concepts are embedded through using mathematics in the creative curriculum, ICT, PE and Science lessons wherever possible so that our children have many opportunities to practice using the skills they have acquired.  We also encourage pupils in developing mathematical life skills such as managing money during fundraising events and investigations. Every week, pupils take part in problem solving activities that ensure they can choose efficient ways of recording their mathematical ideas and develop the use of mathematical language to explain how they have decided to approach a problem or reach a solution. This is supported by our Calculation Policy and the guidelines for calculation in Early Years, both of which may be found in the ‘Policies’ section of our website. We also support our children in learning mathematical facts through mental maths activities on a daily basis. 
Our weekly mathematics homework is based on this approach to focus on making sure that all our children feel confident when applying mathematics in their everyday life.