At Crane Park we ensure that our school is a safe place for children, staff and visitors. In order to do this we have many safety measures in place and they are as listed below:
Staff must wear ID badges at all times | |
Visitors, volunteers, supply teachers and Governors must sign in and out and wear a badge at all times | |
Ensure that fire exit doors are securely closed, only used in an emergency and never propped open. | |
Only staff should know the key codes for the exterior doors and must ensure these remain confidential | |
Windows and doors should be closed when leaving the mobile classrooms to ensure the security of items e.g. laptops, computers and valuable teaching equipment. | |
Integris must not be left open when not in use. | |
Personal information related to children must be password protected when being emailed or taken off site electronically | |
Staff must use only their LGFL email for matters related to work, personal email accounts must not be used as they are not safe | |
Staff must use encrypted data sticks for transporting documents between home and school. | |
High fences surround the school | |
Doors to outside are locked high up out of children’s reach | |
Barriers are present at both gates and access will only be granted by a member of office staff by pressing a button when satisfied with how the visitors are. |