Return to School Letter - July 2020
21st July 2020
All Pupils Returning to School in September
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are delighted that the Government has announced their intention for all children to return to school in September. Unless the local or national picture changes significantly, we will be fully prepared at Crane Park Primary to welcome the children with a staggered start from WEDNESDAY 9th SEPTEMBER for the beginning of the Autumn Term.
Children in Pre-School and Reception have slightly later start dates. You will be made aware of the exact date on 3rd or 4th September 2020.
Please take good care to read all of this letter as there is a lot of information about the details of the return and some things that you will need to prepare for your children.
These are some of the things that you will need to know about the Government guidance.
All children are expected to return from the beginning of the Autumn Term.
School attendance will be mandatory once again. Should your child not be able to attend school because they are unwell, you should follow the usual arrangements in reporting this. If you feel that your child is unwell with COVID-19 symptoms, you must follow the guidance in this letter.
COVID-19 Protective Measures
We will have in place a number of measures and systems of control:
- Full and thorough risk assessment.
- Routines of good hygiene that are part of everyday routine and school culture.
- Regular handwashing and sanitising will be required.
- Additional cleaning routines will be in place.
- Class shared resources such as reading books and text books will be regularly cleaned/ quarantined.
If your child or anyone in your family becomes unwell with any of the COVID-19 symptoms, they will be required to obtain a COVID-19 test. Children must stay at home and follow the stay at home: guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection. The guidance states that they should stay at home for 7 days and should arrange to have a test. You must inform the school of the outcome of the test. Other members of their household (including any siblings) should self-isolate for 14 days from when the symptomatic person first had symptoms.
If an adult or child in school tests positive for COVID-19, it may be necessary for all adults and children in that class / year group to self-isolate. You will be informed if that is the case.
All families returning to school will be required to comply with the measures stated above.
Full school uniform should be worn. Parents are advised that uniform does not need to be washed more regularly than normal. Children should bring PE kits to school and they should remain in school. If you need to purchase new uniform please do so via this website:
Children should only bring essential items to school such as their lunch, a reading book and a coat, hat and gloves when it becomes cold. Children can bring a bag to school but they must not bring any
soft toys or non-essential items. Children are allowed to take reading books to and from school. Reading books will be changed on a schedule. They will be cleaned between uses or stored for a period of 48 hours, prior to being given to another child.
In and around school
Children will continue to be grouped in classes of 30 children. However, at some points in the day, it will be necessary for them to mix with other children from their year group. This will be necessary so that we can deliver a full and thorough curriculum and to facilitate play and lunchtimes effectively.
We will be implementing a ‘no touch’ policy for children when playing. This will help them to try and stay at a suitable distance from each other and decrease the risk of catching the virus.
We will continue to teach a broad and balanced curriculum. This will include an increased focus on mental health and wellbeing.
Pupils will be seated side by side and facing forwards. This is because the transmission of the virus is less likely this way. There will be no large gatherings such as assemblies and workshops. Assemblies will continue but will be provided electronically for children to watch in classes.
Children will be provided with resources in school such as pencils, pens, scissors, a glue stick and an individual whiteboard and pen. They will remain with the child and should not be shared with others.
Each child must bring their own water to school in a named bottle as communal drinking fountains will not be in use.
It will be possible for us to run some extra-curricular provision and you will be informed of this at a later date. Normal booking procedures will apply. Outdoor non-contact sports are encouraged.
Coming into school buildings without an appointment will not be possible. To make an appointment you should contact the school office by phone or e-mail.
Parents are encouraged to travel to school without using public transport or cars if possible. Parents should try to walk, ride or scooter to school.
Staggered start and end to the day
It will be necessary to have these to be in place for the foreseeable future. It will also be necessary to limit parental access to the site and we request that all Y5 and Y6 children come onto the school site on their own and that any other children are accompanied by one adult only.
We have tried to organise the starts and ends of the day so that the amount of overall teaching time is not reduced.
The times will be as follows:
Morning Start Times
Playgroup - 09.00 (enter via the Playgroup entrance)
Nursery - 08:45 (enter via the Nursery entrance) – start date confirmed via letter
Reception – 09:05 (enter via the main Children’s Gate) - start date confirmed via letter
Year 1 – 09:00 (enter via the Year 1 entrance) – start date 9th September
Year 2 – 09:00 (enter via the double doors near the main hall) – start date 10th September
Year 3 – 08:55 (enter via gate by ACE entrance – top carpark) – start date 10th September
Year 4 – 08:45 (enter via gate by ACE entrance – top carpark) – start date 9th September
Year 5 – 08:55 (enter via the main Children’s Gate) – start date 10th September
Year 6 – 08:45 (enter via the main Children’s Gate) – start date 9th September
ACE Unit - 09:00 (Usual entrance to the centre) – start date 9th September
End of the Day Times
Playgroup - 12.00 (exit via the Playgroup entrance)
Nursery - 11:45 (exit via the Nursery entrance)
Reception – 15:20 (exit via the main Children’s Gate)
Year 1 – 15:10 (exit via the Year 1 gate)
Year 2 – 15:10 (exit via the double doors near the main hall)
Year 3 – 15:15 (exit via the gate by ACE entrance – top carpark)
Year 4 – 15:05 (exit via the gate by ACE entrance – the top carpark)
Year 5 – 15:15 (Children will exit via the main Children’s Gate)
Year 6 – 15:05 (Children will exit via the main Children’s Gate)
ACE Unit - 15:15 (Use your normal exit from the centre)
In the mornings, please walk your children to the relevant gate where staff will greet you and walk the children in. Please collect your child from the same location – older siblings will be allowed to be collected with their younger brother or sister as they are in the same family bubble.
As this is a new system, please can you bear with us and be flexible and supportive. This new system may take a little time for all of us to get used to and we ask for your patience while we put these new measures into place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your child and the staff .There will be a lot of parents and you will have to wait in turn as we have to maintain social distancing.
As I have mentioned, we will have staff to support and guide you on site, we will also have clear markings so you know the various pick up points.
Arrival, drop-off and pick-up – additional information
Senior staff will be on hand to support and explain this.
- Do not stay and talk to or socialise with other parents and do not congregate outside of the school gates, classrooms or any other designated drop-off or pick-up areas. We need to consider the safety of every member of our school community.
- Only one parent may accompany their child to school to reduce the amount of adults on site.
- The routes into the school will be clearly signposted and there will be signage to support you with keeping a 2 metre distance. Please follow this at all times.
- If you have to bring a young sibling with you to drop and collect your child, the sibling MUST remain with you and by your side at all times.
- Please be on time for your allocated slot to support the smooth running of the drop-off and pick-up as much as possible.
- If your child is upset, please stand aside to let another child through. It will not be possible for staff to physically intervene.
- If a child is going to be late for their start time at school, parents/carers must rearrange a new drop-off time with the school office directly. This is only if lateness is informed in advance due to a reason such as a medical appointment
- If you arrive late for their start time at school and the gates are closed, we will ask that you wait outside the school office (at a suitable social distance) and your child will have to enter the school though the office to their classrooms – PLEASE DO NOT BE LATE!
- If you are bringing more than one child to school, please try and keep to the arrival times as stated.
School Meals
We will be providing a hot meals service from September. Parents should pay for meals in the usual way.
… and finally
We have planned for September with the intention that we will be ready to implement these arrangements should nothing change. Our school planning and risk assessments do factor in things like local and national infection rates. If things do change between now and September, we may have to adjust our plans. If things do change at all, please be assured that we will communicate this to you.
The Government have issued some information for parents about school in the Autumn Term. If you wish to read it, the link is here.
If you have reached the end of this letter, I would like to offer my congratulations again! The amount of communication from the school over this period has been considerable. We have tried to keep you all informed as much as possible, whilst not overwhelming you – we hope that we have achieved that.
I would like to express my thanks to you all once again. The last few months have been challenging for all of us in ways that nobody could have predicted. I hope that we have continued to provide clarity and support both for you and your children.
I sincerely hope that the worst of this dreadful virus is now behind us and we can begin to return to some semblance of normality over the course of the Autumn Term and beyond.
Have a wonderful summer break and we look forward to seeing you all again in September.
Yours sincerely
Alison Small
Alison Small