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Crane Park Primary School

Get in touch

Return to School Letter - January 5th 2021

Thursday 31st December 2020


Dear Parents/Carers,


Return to school update – from 5th January 2021 school will only be open to vulnerable families and those of critical workers.


As you are aware the new Covid strain has meant there has been a huge increase in the numbers of positive cases of Covid 19. Therefore, the government has taken the decision that schools in certain Tier 4 areas, including Hounslow, will not be opening to all children on 5th January 2021. 


We appreciate that this is very difficult for families, especially hearing this information with such short notice, but we know you will understand that it is for the benefit of the whole Hounslow community, as we try to reduce the transmission of the virus.


If your child is in one of these categories:


  • Child of a critical worker
  • Vulnerable: has an EHCP, is in our ACE Unit, has a social worker


Please email the school office to inform us if your child will be attending school. We will then make contact with you with more details on the arrangements for returning to school on 5th January 2021. (Unfortunately there will be no Breakfast Club or After School provision until further notice.)


To recap, school will reopen from 5th January 2021 only for vulnerable pupils and the children of critical workers. This will be the situation until at least the 18th January 2021. Unfortunately, we’re unable to provide places for other children until we’re told it’s safe to do so. 


We’ll keep you updated once we know more about when the school will be able to reopen for other year groups. For pupils at home, we’ll continue to support you and your child with home learning and meal support for those eligible. 


If you have any questions, please contact me via the school office: or by phoning the school from 4th January 2021: 0208 894 9047.


Thank you for your support. 


Yours sincerely, 


Alison Small


Alison Small
